Well, last night was my last night at youth. Was it the last ever? I don't know, but I do know it was my last one at White House FUMC. That makes 10 years here and 13 total. Those years are filled with memories and experiences that will never be replaced.
It was the spring of 1999 when God called me into youth ministry. Now as it takes a different form and emphasis, I am excited for the future. In three months I will find myself ministering to youth in Uganda. Until then I have the opportunity to remember what has been done here.
I remember my very first Youth at Dyersburg FUMC. It was a pool party. I remember shaking like a leaf as I tried to tell them what we would be doing for the summer. I remember the stares and looks that made me feel like I was just the pastors son and didn't have anything to offer. However, I also remember tears and hugs from kids as we traveled across the south ministering to others through song. I remember screams of joy from residents whose houses we repaired. I remember the bonds formed with a group of kids for one summer that still last today.
I can also recall the first night at Central UMC in Canton, NC. Not near as many kids, and most looked like they were wondering what a youth group was. I remember sitting with kids with cancer, getting chewed out by my pastor for decisions I made, and leaving a city wide 30 hour famine I organized with over 100 kids because I got sick. My time there was also filled with great memories. I hosted my first kickoff with 45 kids and we had messy games in the parking lot. It stunk for at least a month (don't use mustard). I took a group of ten on their first mission trip and my first Road Rules. I remember locking the keys in the van at the beach on that trip and the other adult broke the window to get in :). I remember working with Haitian refugees in the Bahamas, and sitting up late at night as a group talking about Jesus and watching my youth lead each other to Christ.
Finally I recall my first night at White House FUMC. I remember some of the guys telling me they were disappointed I wasn't a female and they never came back. I remember being yelled at by parents for pulling the sixth graders out of youth. I remember those youth coming back later and thanking me for that decision. I remember kids making bad choices, fighting for their life with drug addictions, and being forced out of their house by their parents. I remember parents dying. I remember youth volunteers passing away. I remember all kinds of struggles. But of course, I remember road rules trips through 25 states,impacting thousands of people through our outreach. I remember mission trips for flood relief, tornado damage, and general poverty. Late night sharing on the porch at Lake J until 3am each year. I remember spontanious 2am dance parties on top of the mountain. I remember hearing how so many of them feel called by God to serve him. I remember tears from laughter for no good reason.
Through 13 years of youth ministry I remember that God has been there through it all, the good, the bad, the easy, the hard, the well prepared nights, and the say a prayer before I start this nights. I thank God for using me, and in doing so, teaching me what it means to follow. I look forward to what Uganda will bring, and I will choose 2B a youth minister forever. Thanks to all the youth over the years who have made my life so wonderful :) I love you.