Wednesday, November 10, 2010


OK,so many weeks ago while I was in Sierra Leone, I promised I would write a blog about the circumcisions. Many of you know that when I start a story I will always come back and finish it even if it takes weeks. I will always remember to come back. SO for those of you who have been waiting for this blog here you go.

So, In the middle of my trip to Sierra Leone were two days in which circumcisions were performed on some of our guys. The first week our older ones 10 and under who had not had this done did. The next week our little ones who were in the same boat had the same thing. Yes I'm sure you have lots of questions. No I did not actually go inside the room while one was taking place. I did stand outside the door where the doctor was working. For those of you who do not know, circumcision is necessary for health reasons, and in America boys are circumcised at birth. Even knowing this fact does not help me to get over the thought. As I listened to our boys on those days and watched them in the next couple of weeks as they healed, some parts of scripture took on a new life for me.

In the early church, there was a pretty heated dispute among the Jews and the Greeks over circumcision. The Jews believed it was necessary for salvation because it was a part of their tradition while the Greeks did not. Now I had never put much thought into this idea until being here and living a non infant circumcision. I am glad that Paul did his best to let the Jews no that it was a circumcision of the heart that God really desired and not simply a physical one. I say this because I don't know how dedicated I am to Christ. I don't say that lighty. We say that when we choose to follow Christ we have to give up some of ourselves. I don't know that THAT is what I would want to give up. I marvel at a saint like Timothy who was circumcised so he could speak to the Jews with more credibility. I unfortunately don't know if I am that dedicated.

I am thankful that God has called and continues to call me. I am thankful for the tough situations I find myself in that allow me to grow in my faith. I am thankful for those who has come before me and are example of true sacrifice. I pray that God will continue to circumcise my heart and get rid of what is harmful to me. I ask God to use me as he sees fit, even if it hurts a little bit. I know if my boys in Africa can do it, so can I. God may I choose2B more dedicated to you today.

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