Tuesday, October 4, 2011

And we are off

And I’m off, sort of. Good byes have been said, parties have been had, the house has been cleaned (not all by me), stuff have been put away, and I have made at least journey step number one away from home. Today I find myself watching the sun come up in Gulf Shores and watching the dolphins about 40 yards off shore. A storm is rolling through, but it’s still peaceful. It kinda represents what I feel has been going on with me. It has been a whirlwind of getting stuff together, working on the house, making sure this and that is done, and simply everything that comes with leaving, but yet there is a peace. It seems like everybody around me is in some sort of storm. Everybody has a lot of worries and has to get to this and that. Most people seem to be really nervous and worried for me and they are always asking me how I feel about it and if I am scared. Maybe that’s why I’m not, they are doing it all for me ! I usually answer “No. This is just what I do. It feels really normal and isn’t a big deal. It’s just what God called me to do. The same as he calls each of us to do something every day.” Now honestly I say that because this feels so right. I have told my youth for years that when you line up with what God calls you to do then all the worries and stuff will go away because God has made, designed, and gifted you to do it. I believe that with all my heart and I can’t wait to discover all the ways God has been working on me and preparing me for what he wants me to do.
This morning I was reading quotes from Mother Teresa, and she was talking about needing to have a clean heart, I do believe that was in the Bible first ;) However, today it hit me different and it seems as though a good way to look at it is a clear heart. I need to make sure my heart is clear of things and would block me from allowing God to fill me and inject his love into me, and I need it clear of obstructions so I can push out the love of God through me. If either way is blocked I either become loveless because I am not being refilled by God. Or I am becoming selfish because as Michael W Smith says “Love isn’t love, until you give it away.” So as I prepare to head to Uganda or just simply to meet people in Alabama today I need a clear heart so I a channel flowing with God’s love. THAT IS MY FIRST STEP. I’M NOT THERE YET, BUT AT LEAST I’M SORT OF ON THE WAY! Here’s to enjoying the journey.

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