Saturday, October 2, 2010

God's math

I have always liked math. It was my favorite subject in school. I like to do it in my head and was never one for writing it down. Truthfully, that is probably true with most things in my life. Anyway, The Covering seems to be full of math.
Last night, we picked up Jessie as she arrived for a 6 month stay here. So we have added to the number of people staying and the number of women living here has multiplied by two. Needless to say things have been fine staying in the house with Cari. We have gotten along great and I think the biggest argument we have had while being alone for 3 weeks has been whose turn it was to pray at dinner or who would lead worship on Sunday morning. I already know Jessie and I have been excited to have her arrive. Since, we are all pretty laid back I am not worried about the living arrangements, and don’t worry I have been keeping my room clean. Well, at least Abdul lays my clothes in order after he washes them. I can only hope that carries over when I arrive back home – right Mom? Two things are for sure with Jessie being here and being a talker, the amount of sleep I get will be subtracted from since I will stay up and talk, and the amount of love the kids receive will multiply.
When I arrived here a month ago we had just moved into the new center. Many of you know that when you make a move it means repairs have to be made. The number of projects to complete before the center becomes fully set continues to decrease. Some of those projects are waiting on money, but we continue to be able to subtract them from our list. Even today I hope to subtract storage for the cooks, shelves for the teachers, storage for Daniel, and lighting to the kitchen.
Addition is my favorite thing though. Adding to the smiles on the kids faces, adding new krio phrases to my vocabulary, adding stories of God’s provision in our times of need, and adding dreams to formerly dreamless lives. Most of all, I like watching the number of Christ followers increase. I think back to the early church in Acts where it says that numbers were added daily. As I watch these children I am excited to know that same type of spirit dwells here. To see those who, until earlier this year, were raised Muslim sing song after song of praise to God.
Another thing that pleases me is that you cannot find any division here, only the multiplication of dreams, hopes, love, and joy. May you choose2B apart of God’s eternal math problem today, may you choose2 add to someone’s life, and may you choose2 subtract their pain.


  1. One of my favorite posts so far :)

  2. I really enjoy reading your posts. You are a creative writer and are able to pull the whole story together through a word or a phrase.
