Saturday, September 4, 2010


I don’t really know how to put everything into words for the first three days. Getting here was a trip. From long flights, to long layovers, a day in Senegal that included 2 fights, a stolen bag, and Andrew’s French, no helicopter, long boat rides, and no electricity, water, or internet, it was pretty easy.
But once in Sierra Leone, things have been incredible. The country is beautiful. It has been hot and muggy as all get out. I’m not sure what the weather channel has been measuring but it hasn’t been our temperature. The humidity is 99% and when it gets to 100 it rains. Then we start over again. The new buildings are great. The guest house is wonderful with tons of space. The Covering itself is still transforming since the move was started on Monday. Not everything is set up but the kids like that they have room. The views are beautiful but the kids are even more breath taking.
This morning we had our welcome ceremony. The kids were all dressed in their Firefleyes outfits and met us at the main road to walk us up. After all the hugs, they sang to us, prayed for us, introduced the staff, and welcomed us. Listening to them pray, makes me think about how little we give credit to God for. When was the last time you thanked God that you can go to the grocery store? We returned the favor with horrible dancing and singing. Afterwards we had the kids take us around the Covering on a tour. Each one of us has been assigned 8 kids to keep up with and be close to for the week instead of trying to get to know everybody. The other team members have the kids they sponsor or requested and I have just picked up some of the others, because I have 6 weeks versus one.
This afternoon I was able to enjoy a wonderful conversation about the future of TRS. I am amazed when I get a chance to be partnered with such wonderful people. We went back to the center to give a new outfit to all the kids for church tomorrow. Can’t wait! I also got to play a little soccer. Makes me wanna coach, so much talent. The 8 kids I have, have been hanging on “Uncle Andrew” all day. They also find it fun to squeeze his hand where it hurts. The love they have for us has amazed me as well.
Sunset tonight was, yeah you guessed it, amazing as was our dinner. Tonight has been story swapping and looking at each other’s pictures. I love the fact that I am not just here for a short time. The relationships that I will have the opportunity to develop will be great. They asked if I wanted to go and preach at a local church while I am here. I told them to let me think about it. God has left me sweaty, smiling, and speechless. And it’s just the 1st day here! Choosing 2B amazed!


  1. Andrew I do believe you have been assigned my sponsor son, Joseph. Kelly tagged me to a couple of your pictures. If you do indeed have him in your group would you give him an extra hug from me??? So grateful you are there giving of yourself.


  2. Look at you preachin' it up in AFRICA! God is using you big time as usual! Sweaty, smiling, and speechless... I love it Andrew! Hey, tell Fatmata J I said hi, and give her a big hug for me too!

  3. after reading your blog, I can just see it's been a long time since you've smiled so much.....kiss all those precious kids for me....pray you are healing from the inside you Andrew.
