Saturday, September 11, 2010

Girl day Yay!

I'm going to change up the blog, as now that I have more time to write, people would like to know what is going on and not my thoughts on things. Don't worry I will still write the occasional thought.

So today started out kinda slow. Cari hasn't felt good all day, so she slept in. I made it over to the center at about 10:30. When I got there the kids were in Bible study. After Bible study was over I gave hugs, said "How de body?" to the staff, I went out to play with the guys. I threw the frisbee with Abdul and big Dauda for like 30 minutes. I taught themsome trick throws and catches. They thought that was cool. It is the most I have seen Dauda smile since I got here. Later I went up to fix the cubbies that the girls keep breaking and putting the ones for the nursery together. After I finished I stopped by the older girls room. We agreed I would teach them English if they would work on my Krio. After laughing for a little bit Cari showed up looking for the keys that we realized I had now lost. So both girls room went on a search party for it. Finally it was found and all sanity was restored after Cari gave them a treat for finding it. Well, then all the boys wanted a treat because they are boys. I taught the younger girls how to fix the cubbies. Then I was able to sit with one of the care workers, Bintu, and one of the teen mothers, Aminata. I have been wanting to talk with the teen mothers and the older girls but I had not found the right time as of yet. Today was the right time though. We talked for about an hour and a half about marriage, why I don’t have a wife, how I should just go down to the beach and get one, how a man should treat a woman, divorce, America, politics, our neighbor the former president, food, if I was coming back my new wife would have to come, things I needed to do around the center, and just some stuff. It was a great time and I was real happy to have a chance to talk with Aminata. She did tell me that I should go home and marry her sister Emily since I thought she was pretty. Emily is adopted and lives with one of the founders of TRS, Tina. I told her she was too young. I then got all the water ready for lunch and ate with the kids. They think it is the funniest thing to see me eat with them. They just stop and stare and laugh. So I asked “Why de laugh?” Sam told me it is because everybody is so surprised to see me eat with them.
I went back to the guest house for a break *SIDE NOTE - The guest house and the center are separated by the previous president of Sierra Leone’s house. You walk 200 yards down hill to the main road. One block around the president’s house and back up 200 yards. And I mean uphill :) * When I came back this afternoon a soccer tournament had started. 4 teams were involved Team Erica FC, Team Lori FC, Team Tina FC, and Team Cari FC. This was serious stuff too, referees, cards, half time, and even a crowd! The championship game will be played next Saturday. While I was watching Betty and Rugiatu came over to talk to me. Betty seems to be happier and is laughing and talking and leading a little more now. They wanted me to sing worship songs with them. So I taught them some and we sang ones we all knew. We discussed what are favorite foods and colors were. We talked about school and what they learn. We wondered why I was so harry. In general we just enjoyed laughing and sitting together. I have started to work with Rugi and she doesn’t realize it, but those who were here on the team will know why. I have felt since I walked in the first day that I was supposed to help her. So I left really happy. A day to hang with the girls. Needless to say, while all this was going on the others were around too. Yay for girl day!

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